Monday, November 24, 2008

Part Three..

Going from Kia Ora to Windy Ridge on the fifth day we passed three major waterfalls that we paid a visit. It was raining and the falls were beautiful!

This is Hartnett Falls as seen from the bottom.

On our way there we saw a couple of brown trout doing a mating dance in a pool further down the river. It was amazing to see them swimming round and round in a tight circle and occasionally stroke up along each others' sides.

The last day it drizzled as we walked mainly through lowland forest. The gums looked beautiful in the rain, their bark changing colour to orange, yellow and green as they got wet.

When we got to Narcissus Hut where we were to catch the last ferry the real hardships started. First we were told that there were no more seats on the 1 pm ferry (this was at 11 am) and the last ferry had only two spots left and there were three people ahead of us making a booking. That would mean we would not get out until the following day, we'd miss the Salamanca markets in Hobart on Saturday and we'd have to stay the night in this most miserable of huts. Well, the ferry poeple weren't exactly having their best day. Turned out they had made a mistake in the bookings and had more spaces left on the 3.30 pm ferry. After about an hour the ferry people called the hut saying that there were four people too many booked on the first run and if the family of five that booked 6 weeks ago (way before anyone else but easiest to approach as there were 5 of them) would be happy to give up their spots and get a complimentary serve of wedges (everyone who heard this got a good laugh out of it, wedges!!!??) as compensation. No chance! they were going to be on that early ferry, took their luggage down to the dock and waited in the rain for the ferry to come. When it came everything seemed to work itself out. There was just the Yang party to come aboard, the ferry driver called out to the Yang party. No reply as they were the tourists already on the boat! A Japanese family who understandably didn't understand why they were beeing rollcalled mid- scenic tour. So the family of five that were booked 6 weeks in advance had to see their places taken by people that booked on the day and had to wait for the next ferry. All went well after this until we got to the bus. 4 of the people that came out with us had called the bus company and booked themselves in on the day. It was all fine the bus company had said, they were good to go. When the bus came, half an hour late, the bus driver tells these four that they are not on the manifest. By this time we are losing hope in the capabilities of the Tasmanian transport system and their bookings. Luckily there were 4 people that did not turn up so they got to go after all.
On Saturday we went to the Salamanca markets after a scrumptious breakfast at Jackman and McRoss.

We had a wonderful time in Hobart and an especially good time on the trek. I hope to get back here to visit the bay of islands, Maria Island and Freycinet National Park soon.

We met really interesting and nice people on our trek, made some new friends which we will hopefully visit soon.

All in all we were very happy campers!


Frank and Sue said...

I really loved your quirky view of the Overland Track and "laughed out loud" a few times.
What happened to you with the boat happens ALL THE TIME. It is the most disorganised system known to "man". The same thing happened to us last time ,(and the time before etc!!)
Wow you were lucky with the weather, got to see the north end in snow and then great weather.
Thanks for blogging about it all

MariBob said...

Thanks for the comment Frank and Sue! Looked at your site and saw you are even writing an ebook about it all. That's so cool! On the track you actually meet a lot of people that have done it a few times. I think it's one of those trails, a fantastic one that you've almost have to do again. Haha, and yeah, the ferry system left us laughing a lot! Tired and wanting out of there, nevertheless we enjoyed the "experience" and wouldn't have wanted to be without it (according to you we couldn't have missed it even if we had wanted it though : ). Apparently Mount Ossa is rare to se in such good weather. I felt blessed that's for sure! Keep hiking!!