Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Peace in the Park

On Saturday we are going to Homebake in Sydney, a one day festival with 37 bands (I think?) playing on four stages. Khay, Annie, John and I are going. The crowd this time is over 18!! yay! Should be really good.

And on Sunday I am going to car pool with Khay to Melbourne where I'll be visiting friends for a few days. Love Melbourne and am looking forward to it so much. Will show lots of pictures hopefully when I get back again.

Here in Australia Venus, Jupiter and the moon aligned on the evening of the 1 December forming a smiling face in the sky. My photo is a bit crap as I don't have a tripod or a good knowledge of how to take excellent night photos but it's still neat to see.

Now, my lovely ma wanted to see what I've been up to in the garden so I have taken a few pics.

This is going to be my vege patch. We went to the beach the other day and picked sea weed which I have dispearsed as fertilizer.

The soil is beautiful and worms are plentiful but so are the Indian Minors (birds) so I decided to make a scarecrow..
You take one juice bottle, one Living End t-shirt, a couple of black tighties, a tennis ball and a couple of sticks, garbage bag and voila'; you have a dodgy scare crow.

The thing though is Indian Minors or Mynors are pretty smart and not easy to get rid of, they are in fact a bit of a pest in Australia so we thought that the only thing this ugly bird would scare off were our pigeon love birds. They coo and dance and prance and make sweet, sweet love in the garden all day and has been for the past 6 weeks! As it turned out though, I haven't seen any Indian minors since the scare crow and the pigeon lovers didn't even notice it's presence. They only have eyes for each other, were cooing as usual this morning, doing their little dance in the garden.

I love the little cicada shells you can find around the place. This one didn't quite make it out of his old shell before he died, still looks pretty though.

My tomatoes and herbs are not doing so well it seems. The tomatoes were under attack by some nasty green tomato hornworms that almost de-leafed the entire plants and the dill suffered due to being too dry when we were in Tasmania.
This is my favourite part of the house even if the herbs don't favour it.

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