Sunday, November 23, 2008

Part Two of our Overland adventure

These are photos from Pelion Hut as the sun set. If I had stayed up a bit
longer I would have seen the spotted-tailed Quoll that was hanging around
outside the hut.

On our fourth day we had a grand opportunity to see the views from the top of Mount Ossa, we were told that the weather is seldom as good as it was on this day and even when it's sunny the top is often covered in cloud. Mount Ossa is 1617 metres and the hike and scramble up the top is a bit of an adventure.
The trail to the top led through what looked to me almost like a Japanese garden. As we rounded the corner shortly afterward we got a clear view of the mountin we were about to climb.

In the middle of the photo you can see a faint trail going up the mountain side, it looks like a few rocks that are brighter than the rest. That was the way we ascended. Look further up and you see the snow. We had to go through that as well and then climb over huge boulders.

John scrambling on that trail you can see ever so faintly on the other photo.

This is me in the snow. It may not look treacherous but it did feel like it. The snow was very slippery due to the hot sunshine and around the boulders the snow had melted underneath so we had to look out for big holes or at least avoid stepping through the snow into a big hole. John didn't quite manage and fell through ending up with a pointy rock just centimetres from his groin. That would have hurt!

The views from the top were awesome!

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