Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Opera House

On Tuesday arvo I boarded the slowest train in the Western world (Ol Red - Sydney) as Annie and I had tickets to see Regina Spektor at the Opera House.
When I finally got there, hours later.. we had a pub dinner at Circular Quay and then wandered off in the crisp beautiful evening to the Opera House. The moon was almost full and the harbour beautiful!
The concert hall turned out to be really intimate. We sat close to the stage and the sound was great and the voices and musical talents of Jupiter One and Regina Spektor were just breathtaking. It's amazing that there are so many artists out there that can hardly sing live that are hugely famous and then there are artists like these that are not as huge but should be!! Still very, very popular though. She had the audience spellbound.

In the intermission we sipped champagne on the terrasse and gazed at the bridge, lunar park and the moonlit water. Aaahh, what a night!

Even better when you get to have a night off being a mum. But early in the morning I had to hop on that miserable (but the scenery is beautiful, especially around the Hawkesbury) train again back to Ol Red.

I guess if every night was a good as that one I just wouldn't appreciate them that much. That's why I am thankful for nights at home watching bad teve. : )

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Finally I am done with the vege path for a while..

The last few days I have finished off the sowing. I now have asparagus, rocket, carrot, parsnip, silverbeet and kale in rows and squares. Hopefully there will be a big harvest in a few weeks.

My helper slows me down a bit...

At spotlight I got a few bits for a new scarecrow. Cost $4 and was heaps of fun to make.

Went to Sydney on the weekend and spent a night out with Annie and her friends. On Saturday we drove up to the Hunter Valley vineyards and had a long leisurly lunch at Bimbadgen and then went around to a few different wineries and shops on the most beautiful of days. Very nice!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter camp 2010

We set off for Yagon as this is one of our fave camps. I love it cos the beach there is so beautiful and deserted. John was a bit worried all the camp spots would be taken seeing it was Easter and sure enough the camp was packed with young partiers. Luckily though we found a quiet corner and a great spot for our tent.
As we were starting to set up a goanna wandered into our camp. Totally fearless and on a mission for food. I said to John we better keep an eye on Josh as he might be taken for a nutritious snack.
We turned our backs and the next thing we know Josh is being approached by the goanna. No big deal really as we were around, but he was fearless, I tried to shoo him off with a stick but he wouldn't have a bar of it. He was going through our camp whether we wanted it or not.

Then came the cookaburra. It sat right next to John as he cooked our steaks and John said "I'll be! I've never seen them as bold as that". Yeah, he speaks like that, he also says he is feeling "poorly".. Haha what a grandy! When we sat down to eat the cookaburra struck! He flew over and with his strong beak grabbed John's medium rare (he didn't want my welldone steak) and John and he fought over it. John won but the Cookaburra didn't give up. A bit later he attacked again and this time John flung his wine over the table, the steak the bird himself etc. It was so funny. He was totally flustered. Apparently scarred from a young age when a magpie attacked him drawing blood.

On the beach we saw this beautiful crab and this other beautiful crab..

Thursday, April 1, 2010

And some more..

Köpte en pyjamas till Joshan och vi tyckte han såg så himla rolig ut. He loves wearing his leasure suit!
Tur att vi inte bor i Sverige; Josh är för o-cool!

Bilder på Joshan


Idag har vi tagit bort ännu mer buskar och dylikt. John sa att det är "a bare yard now". Jag tycker det är roligt att kunna sätta egen prägel på stället. Kanske planterar ett citrusträd istället. Jag kan se mitt land nu. Det måste bara rensas ett par dagar till sen kan jag börja plantera. Yay!

Nu till det somliga väntat på; fler bilder.

Josh får ofta kuta runt utan blöja när jag bytt på honom och häromdagen när jag lämnat ytterdörren öppen så ...

Eller så kryper han in i "papperskorgs-skåpet"

Här är han med sitt hår lite friserat.