Monday, September 21, 2009

Josh, mum, Gunnar and I went Chanterell hunting in the forest yesterday and sure we found some mushies but most of all we managed to pick up "moose flies" galore. These annoying flies/lice are almost impossible to get rid of. They crawl into your hair and you may not know you have them for a couple of days. YUCK!! They loved my fleece and are still, today, appearing out of nowhere.

Something much nicer than moose flies is lingonberry. A Swedish cooking staple. It's a small tart berry that is used as a compliment to meatballs, oat porridge, hash browns etc.

Can be found at your local IKEA store : ) if you can't go lingon hunting in an actual forest.

Went for a walk today and saw a tomato plant growing through concrete.
I love that nature is stronger than us (sometimes).

Below is a beautiful view of our city. Not a bad place to live really.

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