Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Good living

Not used to living on the cream shelf of life I found myself wandering aimlessly with garbage yesterday. The rich people hide their disposal sites really well!
I had tried every door of our building in search of a dumpster but couldn't find one. Ended up walking with my trash across town, like a bag lady, to where we used to live. There dumpsters are placed in a stinky alley behind the apartment building, kind of logical.

Asked John where he "disposed" and he showed me the shute!!! Haha, feet from our door was a shute. How fancy!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I haven't been able to upload my own photos so I have searched the net for some so I can show what we have been up to.

We live in an awesome part of Oslo. Aker Brygge is right near the water. We even have some water glimpses from our creamshelf apartment.

This image was found at

And it really is this beautiful. I only wish i could take photos like this one.

Half an hour walk from our place is Bygdoy. Here you find the famous Viking Ship Museum as well as beautiful naturewalks and beaches. A real treat when you get tired of the concrete jungle. This foto is from

Monday, September 21, 2009

Josh, mum, Gunnar and I went Chanterell hunting in the forest yesterday and sure we found some mushies but most of all we managed to pick up "moose flies" galore. These annoying flies/lice are almost impossible to get rid of. They crawl into your hair and you may not know you have them for a couple of days. YUCK!! They loved my fleece and are still, today, appearing out of nowhere.

Something much nicer than moose flies is lingonberry. A Swedish cooking staple. It's a small tart berry that is used as a compliment to meatballs, oat porridge, hash browns etc.

Can be found at your local IKEA store : ) if you can't go lingon hunting in an actual forest.

Went for a walk today and saw a tomato plant growing through concrete.
I love that nature is stronger than us (sometimes).

Below is a beautiful view of our city. Not a bad place to live really.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Why I haven't written.. A definite first!

This is Josh, he was born in March 2009 and is the reason I haven't been able to partake in my favourite past-time hiking for a long time. Needless to say my garden is falling apart..