Tuesday, October 28, 2008

First days in Newie

That's NOT how my seat on the A380 looked that's for sure!

From the first airport to the last, more precisely Gothenburg to Sydney it took 29 hours from departure to arrival. That's not counting the travel by car from Jonkoping and the final two hours to get to Newcastle.
From Singapore we flew on the Airbus A380, the largest passenger airliner in the world. I was terrified to see how many people went onboard and the amount of carry-on luggage they had.. Would this boat be able to take off? We didn't seem to gather much speed going down the runway, lumbering along all heavybellied, but lo and behold before the end of it we were airborne as if by magic.

A friend once told me, I must mention he's a very romantic guy, that airports are full of love. (He might have picked that up from the movie Love Actually). One has to agree often this is true, you see all those people meeting the ones they love after having spent time apart, hugging and kissing, laughing and crying. I like to be met at the airport but I also dread it. Coming out of the final doors, craning my neck in search of familiar faces but not wanting to look too desperate. Finding the person in question and hugging after 35 hours of travel, feeling less than fresh, wanting to look a million dollars for the reunion but not having that special gift of always being fresh as a daisy; and all in spite of that washbasin bogan wash!

It was good seeing John there, he smelt terrific and seemed really happy to see me. He was all yakyakyak all the way to Newcastle and I could hardly keep my eyes open.

His new house is surrounded by rose bushes and plants of all kind, a paradise for lizards and spiders. A bit of a "renovator's dream".. At first it didn't look like much but the more time you spend there the better it gets. The best spot for a jetlagged traveller is the back verandah. There you can put your blanket down and easily spend hours on end snoozing the day away.

The first three days were spent in a bit of a daze, I'd wake up at three am and fall asleep at 1 pm. Not even attempting to follow instructions of an easy adjustment, take on the times of the destination and all that.

On the fourth day I felt great, did hours of gardening and have now managed to make the front yard look less like that of an eccentric, and less of a spider's lair.

Now imagine the 'before' scene with lots of weeds and "underbrush" hanging over the garden path.

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