Monday, February 21, 2011

i am back..

Josh is so nuts sometimes!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

And so the focus is back on Josh..

Vad jag skrattade när Joshan skulle äta själv! Det blev bara kladdigare och kladdigare.. hihi.

En dag var vi ute och cyklade. Det slutade så här.

Och den sista bilden tog jag för han såg så "Aussie" ut i sina ugg-boots.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Surprising news..

What has the world come to when people tell their family of their news through blogs and tweets? .......
After our trek our time away was over. The weekend was spent in Newcastle. On the Saturday John wanted us to go out and we organised a babysitter, John booked a restaurant and we went for an adult night out (yay!!), all dolled up and in fine spirits.

The dinner was really lovely, The Bistro offers fine dining and is one of Newcastle's oldest restaurants. -It looks it too! It's quite run down, we sat on broken chairs and had bent knives and were almost put under the stairs leading up to the piano man. The menu to this fancy restaurant was paper on a clipboard and in the bar they had a video of a tropical reef playing and the reception was terrible. Haha, at least we got a good laugh. The food was terrific though so no complaints there.

After our lovely dinner John wanted to go to the top of Monument Hill for a look. I wasn't very happy about that, feeling cold and tired. I uttered many complaints on the way up in the lines of "I'm cold, i don't want to go up here!" "you shouldn't take your date if she doesn't want to go" and then when we got to the top I was reminded of my first time in Newcastle and uttered "how the hell did I end up in this town!?" (Newcastle is ok but a bit of a never-ending suburbia, pretty boring too with the only entertainment for people being the beach and the mall. Downtown itself is a ghetto!).

The view wasn't bad though and it was nice to go to the top of the hill (although being such a cow I didn't admit that).. Now didn't I feel like a total KILLJOY when John looked at me and said "will you marry me?" NOOOOOOOOO!!! This is not how it's supposed to go! I wanted to go back to the car and start over and be not be such a cranky bitch! Anyway, i said "No, you don't want to marry me" but he popped a cherry ring from the Maitland Reject shop on my finger anyway and it took me 20 minutes of being totally shell-shocked and monosyllabic before i said "yes".

He had meant to ask me on our hike but since he couldn't start a fire he didn't. That's why he got so angry when he couldn't start a fire and why he swore so much! How sweet!!! That setting would have suited us so well!

John's mum later said she thought he had done very nice for himself (choosing me) but I think I am the winner here. : )
Look at that $4 baby sparkle!

Recent events with some much-longed for hiking

I have had a couple of good weeeks of late. John had some time off work and we went to the Blue Mountains for two days. Stayed in Blackheath at a small but oh-so-friendly motel. We did day trips and went for a nice hike on the second day to Pulpit Rock lookout. I had Josh in a sling and maneuvered quite well if I may say so down slippery slopes and across creeks. Not as bad as it sounds but exciting enough. "Don't tell mum!" John said..

On the Monday we went to Sydney and met up with our dear friend Annie and the next day we went to the Sydney Aquarium which Josh absolutely loved!!

On Thursday we left Josh with his nana and went to Barrington Tops to do the Corker for the third time. 2.5 hours of uphill hiking before we reached our camp. How nice is that place!! It is a choice spot and I love going there. Unfortunately we arrived to Wombat Creek after dark this time and because all the wood we found was super wet we couldn't start a fire. John was cussing and cursing "I can't believe I forgot the f###ing paper, f###ing this and that" etc etc. I told him to calm down and that we could just go to bed (it was freeeeezing so I was longing for the warmth of my sleeping bag..) he was adamant though and even sacrifized his "Where Eagles Dare" by Alistair Maclean. I couldn't understand his frustration.. until later when it became clear and even the cussing was endearing! That night was a cold one and we awoke to frost but another BEAUTIFUL, sunny day. The hike down was great as well and it was a fantastic outing!!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Lite nya bilder

Vi firade midsommar hemma hos en av de svenska tjejerna och det var jätetrevligt. Här är vi med våra kransar. Vi hade lite dåligt med blommor.. Josh dansade bl.a med en jättesöt tjej.

Ända sen puss-kalaset har Josh var en riktig pussgurka. Här pussar han t.o.m "blindhunden" på shopping centrat.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Josh är nu lite mer än 14 månader och för ett par veckor sedan fick han sin första riktiga kyss, och vilken kyss det var!!! En liten tre-årig tjej som heter Ellen, halv-norska och hur söt som helst kunde inte hålla läpparna ifrån Josh. Hon dök på med munnen rätt på Joshans och tryckte till ordentligt. Efter två timmar av detta fick jag höra att Josh grät, fann honom under Ellen helt utpussad! Oj oj oj, vilken syn! Och jag säger bara det vilka kyssar!